domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

Simon Bolivar Monument

I decided this article to be the last one, because I knew that there was going to be a skating rink, in the Simon Bolivar plaza. I also knew that for sure there was going to be a great Christmas decoration. My family and I are big fans of Christmas, so they went with me. We go to Simon Bolivar plaza, every Christmas. This time I had another purpose besides watching the decoration, and it was visiting Simon Bolivar monument.

When I arrived to the plaza, the first thing I saw was the monument. I have investigated previously, and I found out that this monument was the first public monument erected in the city. This monument was cast in 1846 by an Italian Artist. I investigate this with help of internet. Then I watch carefully the monument. It was such a perfect monument. It was wonderfully done. Half of the people there, were playing, and admiring the view. The other half was watching the monument. It was crazy; I think it is one of the most beautiful monuments in Bogota. It was really important to have a monument to the liberator of Colombia. I found out, when I was searching for information, that the monument I visited, is not the only one in Bogota. As always the Simon Bolivar plaza, was full, I couldn’t even walk properly. I watch the monument, we walk through the plaza, and then finally we got out. It was a nice experience, but definitely I would not go again if the plaza is as full as today. I would prefer to enjoy the plaza with less people.

To conclude I am happy. This experience has been really great. I had the chance to know my city, to know the place in which I wake up every day. Not just only the most well known places in Bogota, not just only the north places of Bogota, but all the interesting places, that I didn’t even know it existed.  I am glad, that now I know more things about Bogota. I definitely do not regret living in this city. Of course there is the insecurity, the traffic, and other problems, but I am happy in here. I hope people could get the chance to know better their city.

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