domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

Simon Bolivar Monument

I decided this article to be the last one, because I knew that there was going to be a skating rink, in the Simon Bolivar plaza. I also knew that for sure there was going to be a great Christmas decoration. My family and I are big fans of Christmas, so they went with me. We go to Simon Bolivar plaza, every Christmas. This time I had another purpose besides watching the decoration, and it was visiting Simon Bolivar monument.

When I arrived to the plaza, the first thing I saw was the monument. I have investigated previously, and I found out that this monument was the first public monument erected in the city. This monument was cast in 1846 by an Italian Artist. I investigate this with help of internet. Then I watch carefully the monument. It was such a perfect monument. It was wonderfully done. Half of the people there, were playing, and admiring the view. The other half was watching the monument. It was crazy; I think it is one of the most beautiful monuments in Bogota. It was really important to have a monument to the liberator of Colombia. I found out, when I was searching for information, that the monument I visited, is not the only one in Bogota. As always the Simon Bolivar plaza, was full, I couldn’t even walk properly. I watch the monument, we walk through the plaza, and then finally we got out. It was a nice experience, but definitely I would not go again if the plaza is as full as today. I would prefer to enjoy the plaza with less people.

To conclude I am happy. This experience has been really great. I had the chance to know my city, to know the place in which I wake up every day. Not just only the most well known places in Bogota, not just only the north places of Bogota, but all the interesting places, that I didn’t even know it existed.  I am glad, that now I know more things about Bogota. I definitely do not regret living in this city. Of course there is the insecurity, the traffic, and other problems, but I am happy in here. I hope people could get the chance to know better their city.

Luis Angel Arango

In the process of doing this articles, I have discovered that Bogota is an amazing city. It is full of places to visit and events to go to. I was planning on visiting the private library of the Javeriana University. Because my older sister studies there, and she could take me. Unfortunately, this library is only available for students, so I had to use my backup plan. I decided to visit Luis Angel Arango library. It is in the “Candelaria”. I visited with my father, and my brother. As always, we were avoiding the traffic, (that by these days has increased) so we took Transmilenio, until the closest station, then we took a taxi, until we arrived to the library. My father told us to walk, but it was raining as usual, so we took the taxi. My first impression was really good. I discovered that the library was huge, and that there were many people entering.

This neighborhood was really nice, it had an old but still awesome style. The first thing I saw the church of “La Candelaria”. It was really nice. In front of the library, there was a museum; I think it was the museum of the Colombian artist Botero. Other thing I noticed was that there were these huge stairs, for people to relax, and talk. It was actually a great place for students, or people to sit and appreciate the view. When I entered to this library, I confirm all of my thoughts, it was really huge, I have to admit Julio Mario Santodomingo was bigger, but instead it was really big. The library was so organized, sometimes you got the impression that things are not organize, but this library was shinny. I started walking in the library, and visiting the rooms. There was a room for all the things that you can imagine. I was wondering, why this library didn’t had the mark of “BibloRed” I had seeing that mark in all of the libraries I have visited. My father asked to a guide man, and he explained us, that the library did not own to “BibloRed”, but the Republic Bank. I visited all the rooms, and found out that there were books; I haven’t seeing for a long time. It was a good experience. When we went out of the library, it was time to have lunch, so we went to the nearest restaurant and had lunch.

I have to admit that this was a nice experience, now I feel like I do know my city. I feel like I am bringing this huge amount of information into my head. I do not love visiting places far from my home, but sometimes it is worth trying. The most awesome thing for me was the fact that it is a great place for students, and business people to go. It is a very welcoming place; I hope I will get to visit this library again.

domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Usaquen II

Have you ever heard of a location called Usaquen? Are you interested on visiting? Do you know all the malls, restaurants, cinemas, among others, you can find there? Have you ever heard of Unicentro, or “La Fontana”? Well, I live near this Location, and I always find what I am looking for. Unicentro is one of the oldest malls in Bogota. Unicentro is a new mall, since the changes it has being through, now it seems to be one of the newest malls in Bogota. It is really modern, and there are lights everywhere. In Usaquen, there are also many restaurants as Wok, Crepes and Waffles, Teriyaki, Papa John’s, among others.

I visited this location with my family. We walked through the neighborhoods. The weather was not helping as usual it was a dark place, and we had to take our umbrellas. We visited, Multicentro,  La Carolina, and other nighborhoods. Honestly one of my favorite malls is Unicentro so I went to this amazing mall. On the way, I found a street full of stores and restaurants. My mom loved one which is called “Tabata”, which is a store with exclusive dresses for girls. My mom told me she used to buy me dresses in that store when I was a baby. We were walking, when suddenly a car passed to fast that the water in the street went all over us. My dad got really mad. We got completely wet. That was really bad. I definitely hate when people do not care about others. We kept walking and enter to the mall. In front of Unicentro, is going to be a new mall, we saw the builders. The policeman checked our bags, before we entered to the mall. In front of Zara, there was a beautiful Santa, and his reindeers. All the decoration was based on the colors red, and silver. We had a great time, Unicentro is always full, it does not matter which day is it. When we finished visiting the mall, we went walking through the neighborhoods close, and we saw a big and beautiful hotel, called “La Fontana”.  I had visited that hotel, a couple times, and it is so nice, and big. I think it is one of the best hotels in Bogota.

I can tell, for my experience, that this location is perfect, it has everything you are looking for, besides that it is nice. A location, is too big and with so many things, in one day you are not able not see everything, but you can go to some specific places. Remember that this location is full of new and interesting things. Do not miss this opportunity! You are going to have fun!


My second visit to Locations was to Chapinero. I visited a place known as “Zona T”. I was really amazed, because I was not expecting all the things that I saw. I would like to tell you, my experience.  I had visited this location before, but I decided to take pictures just by the time if Christmas. I was beautiful. I went with my family, when we were arriving there was a car blocking the entrance to the “Zona T”, so we had to go walking. Unfortunately the weather by these days in Bogota, is horrible, and as usual it was raining. It took pictures, of some stores, like Bang & Olufsen, Bershka, Zara, and a restaurant called Andres DC. When I passed in front of Bang & Olufsen, I was shocked, because there was a TV, and it was so amazing, so big, and the design was beautiful.  

My favorite mall in this location is Andino. I loved it, and since I was 3 years old, I have visited this place. Anyway, I took pictures of the mall in front of Andino, called “El retiro”. When I entered to the mall, I found out that it was decorated really nice. It was decorated with the theme of a jungle. There was a leopard above the elevator; there were monkeys, birds, bears, among others. I took many pictures, for my surprise the monkeys moved and went up and down. The bear was really big, and all the kids were hugging him, and taking pictures with him. I kept walking and there was another decoration with the theme of the marine. There were marines, and also whales. Then we walked through the “Zona T”, it was full of white lights. We were hungry, so we had a meal in a cafeteria called “Michell”, it was delicious and we eat great things. It was seven o’clock, and we heard a lot bunch of people laughing, and screaming, so we went to see what was happening. When we arrived to “Zona T” there were some machines that were making the effect of snow. Everyone was taking pictures, and enjoying the “snow”.

I had a great time, and I loved this location. It is really modern, and it has all the most amazing shops in Bogota. It’s a great place for shopping, and also for having fun. I extremely recommend you to go with family and friends, and relax, forget about all your worries.