jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Coldplay experience

Have you ever heard about a music group called Coldplay? Have you ever gone to a concert? Are you interesed in knowing what it feels like? Well, I am going to tell you about my personal experience, I am going to write about Coldplay concert in Bogota.

I have always been a fan of Coldplay. I remembered when my sister came into my room and told me that Coldplay was going to hold a concert in the capital. At first I couldn't believe it, it was going to be really exciting. When I told my mother how much I wanted to go, she told me that if the tickets were too expensive, I couldn't go. My sister and I checked every day in the web, for the prices. We were so scared, and excited. When, the prices were published in the web. My sister, father and me, bought the tickets, the same day. We waited for the glorious day. When it finally came, we couldn't believe it. It was not my first concert, but I was more excited than the first time. It was a lot of feelings. By those days Bogota was facing the most big transportation strike ever. The transporation strike had taken all Bogota, and it had cover almost a week. March 3rd, Coldplay arrived to Bogota. When I arrived from school, my sister, a cousin and me, went to Radison hotel to wait for them and ask for a photo, or just to see them, and tell them how grateful we were with them for coming to Bogota. We find out that in the Radison hotel, was staying only the stuff, so we took a taxi, and went fast to the hotel "Casa Medina" were the member of Coldplay were staying. We wait there, and wait, but they didn't come out. We were going to keep waiting but a group of taxis passed  protesting, so we had to go to our houses. Next day (the day of the concert), there was no school, for the strike, so we went to queue. I went with my father, and there we ate,and drank. We entered to the park of Simon Bolivar, at 5pm. At 6 p.m. the first group entered to stage "Estados Alterados", a colombian group. At 6:30p.m "Bat for Lashes" entered to stage. This group was nice, and was the group invited to all Coldplay concerts. Bat for lashes lasted 30 minutes on stage, and we waited for 1 hour. Everyone was desperate, but at 8:30 p.m. my heart stop beating, and I felt things I have never felt in my life...

Coldplay was on stage, and I couldn't believe it. It was definetly the best experience of my life. I was so excited, that my father thought I was not going to make it through the end. I was completely in love with Chris, Guy, Will and Johnny. I sand all the songs, and forgot about everything and everyone. There is a song called yellow, and when they perfomed that one, the stuff realeased yellow balloons. In the performance of "Strawberry Swing" there were butterflies of all colors in the sky, and the last song "Life in Technicolor II" there was fire works. I laugh, I shouted, I cried, it was the best experience so far. I invite you to listen to Coldplay music and find out more things about Bogota events, because you wont regret attending to a concert.

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