jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Craftsmanship and Hernan Diaz pictures

I went with my father downtown to see an exposition of pictures at the museum of modern art taken by one of the best Colombian photographers. His name was Hernan Diaz who died about two years ago. He was considered one of the best portrait photographers of the 20th century.

He was the photographer of lots of president’s artists, politicians and very important people of this country. We saw portraits of young Botero, President Misael Pastrana, a nude picture of Fanny Mickey, actors like Franck Ramirez and many other important characters. Another very important part of his work are the portraits he made in Cartagena of common people in the streets and at the beaches.

The same day we wanted to take some colorful pictures that contrasted with the black and white pictures we saw at the museum. We went to the craftsmanship fair to take some photographs of people selling lots of colorful things, like leather bags, ceramics cheap jewelry and many other things. When we were going back  to my dad’s house at night we passed by the hair salon “Norberto” at the 109 street and took some pictures of the amazing x-mas decoration.

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