domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010

Museum - Jardin Botanico Jose Celestino Mutis

I did not know that the Jardin Botanico was a museum but when I visited it with my father, a man who was guiding us told us that it was a museum, so I took advantage of for my part in the blog.

I went with my father on a Saturday I think, But the parking lot was a little bit far so I had to walk to arrive there, my father wanted to take some pictures in there, because he is a photographer. We entered to a section of the museum that was like a greenhouse I think so… Inside of it was very hot. I had one of the scariest moments of my life haha…I was walking along a path when a Iguana fall down from a tree and I got very scared, oh my God It almost fall on my head, It was kind of cute, it looked like a little dinosaur,  a very weird surprise! Hahaha I ran looking for my father and I almost make his camera fall down into a small lake there. I took many pictures which are very useful for the blog, at the end of the morning I was very tired of walking and it was very cold, as always it was starting to rain.

Finally we ended and we went to take lunch to my grandmother’s house. I enjoyed a lot visiting that natural museum, all those slower and trees, It’s very funny I recommend you to visit this beautiful place. Enjoy!

viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Museo Nacional Here you can watch an awesome video from the museum
Do you like to learn in an interactive way?... well I do, that’s why I decided to visit the Museo Nacional when I was assigned for doing the theme of museums.
It was a Friday in which my father had already planned to go to a jazz concert at Jorge Eliece Gaitan theatre, so the Museo Nacional was very close. We went early, but we where like running in such a way that we would not miss the jazz concert. I entered to the museum and since the first moment I took pictures, but a security guard told me not to use flash and it was very funny because for some pictures I forgot to turn off the flash, so there was again the security guard saying to me not to use it please. I wanted to make some videos for the blog so I took my camera and started recording them, but my father did not stop telling me how did I have to take the camera, I was a little bit stressed out because of that. I  planned to take all the videos and edit them on movie maker.
I was very tired of walking and walking around the museum so we finally finished with that, I totally recommend you to visit this great museum , I liked a lot… Unfortunately I could not publish my videos on the blog because I did not know how.

jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Julio Mario Santodomingo Library

Have you ever heard about Julio Mario Santodomingo library? So you know is the biggest one in Colombia? Are you interested in getting to know more about this library? And all the cool places it has? Well, last month I visited this library and found out it was beautiful. It is near my school, actually there are just a few steps from each one. I visited on Thursday, with my family. The thing I loved the most was the flowers and all the flora outside the library. 

I was excited, because this is the newest library in Bogota. Besides that I always pass near it, and never get to know it. When I entered to the library, I found out that it is huge! It has so much space. I visited the exposition room, which had some amazing paintings, and the room for children. For me, the children's room is the funniest, it has so much interesting books, and the chairs are comfortable, are the most comfortable of all the library. Then I visited the theatre, it was maybe the half of the library, it is the biggest room, of all the library. Everyday there a program with many shows. After visiting all the rooms, I went out and took many pictures of the flowers.

I love this experience and I hope I will be able to go again, and enter to the theatre. It is amazing that Bogota has this library, and especially near my school, and I glad I live here. I extremely recommend you to visit this library, and take pictures, because it is beautiful. With this project I have realized that I didn't know Bogota as well as I thought, there were many things missing. Now I do not regret all my tourist experience, because I love Bogota!

Simon Bolivar Park

Have you heard about a park called Simon Bolivar? Have you visit it? if you so not know, or haven't visit it, I can tell how is it like. This park is the biggest park on Bogota. It is a beautiful and fun place. I have visit it twice. Actually it is far from my home, and many times I got lazy to visit the park, anyway I love the park, and I always have fun.

The first time I visit this park, was 6 months ago, for Coldplay concert. I didn't get the opportunity to go and visit it. But I have reseantly go, and I walk through all the park. I was able to see everything, and take pictures. It was a cold day, but I wanted to visit the park, so my father went with me. We took Transmilenio. Transmilenio is actually really good, with Bogota traffic is the best option you got. It is faster, unfortunately some times it is to full, and people do not fit in the bus. When I arrived, the first thing I saw was a statue of Simon Bolivar. I took a picture of it, I thought it was really nice. Then I started walking, and saw people playing, talking, running, etc. I also saw the lake, which is really big. I was freezing, so I didn't get closer, but I saw some children with canoe, they were having fun. I keep walking, but I stopped just to stared at the view, the landscape was beautiful. I love it, I think that Simon Bolivar park is the lung for Bogota. Just so much green, trees, grass, bush, it was amazing. After that, I visited the most exciting place for me, which was the event section of the park. There i had Coldplay concert. The event section is also used for festivals. I remembered how good Coldplay concert was. All the memories came back to me.

I liked really much this park. It is really big, and there you can do whatever you want to do. I have fun, i wish that was not a cold day, but anyway I had a good day. I do not regret visiting the park, at all. It was a good experience and I recommend you to visit it, and go with family and friends. I love that Bogota has these kind of places, because it makes more beautiful the city.