jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Salitre Magico

Have you ever heard about Salitre Magico? Do you know any park in Bogota? Well this is a great park, it has many attractions, and you can play and have fun. Have you ever been so high you can see, everything from above? I am going to tell you about my experience in Salitre Magico. 

One day of my short vacation I decided to go and have fun in somewhere. I honestly didn't know where to go, cause I had almost been to every funny place in Bogota. Anyway, I decided that I will go to Salitre Magico. I went with my brothers. We took a taxi, and when we arrived to the park, we buy tickets. There was a new attractions called "Tornado" which was a roller coaster. The most expensive ticket was the only ticket that included that attraction, so we bought that one, in order to get the chance to see how good the attraction was. It was a rainy day, but it had stop running for a while. We started having fun in the pirate ship, it was my first time in this attraction, so I was excited, to see how it was going to feel. I discovered that it was amazing, it felt like I was going to fall. The pirate ship, gives a 360° turn. I like going to Salitre Magico, because there are some roller coasters really fun, and is the best park in Bogota, probably in terms of attractions is the best one in Colombia. The only thing that I regret of my visit to the park, was that time is not enough, you just want to continue and repeat all the attractions. As time was not enough we didn't go in the "Tornado" attraction. It was such a waste of money, but I have fun.

I am happy we have those kind of parks in Bogota. If you are bored one day and you got nothing to do, don't think it twice and visit "Salitre Magico" because is a great park. Just remember to go with time, go since the morning, and have a good lunch there. Not too much if you don't want to throw up. I hope you visit the park, and have a good time with friends and family.

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