lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010

Cinema in Portoalegre

Cinema in Portoalegre
Have you ever gone to a small cinema here in a mall in Bogota? In this article I will tell you my experience going to one.

It was Sunday 9 of October, that day it was the note feedback, I went with my parents, fortunately for me, I got good grades so my parents let me go out with some friends. I left the school with the parents of my friend, and then we arrived at her house (116 under the highway). There we look in internet for the movie we would see; we decided to see "Love at Distance". We arrived at the mall Portoalegre (138 under the highway) at 3:30 there we bought the tickets and take a walk through the mall, in this walk I bought some “manillas”. At 4:10 the movie started we bought pop corn, cheddar cheese, and cokes. We entered to the movie, the cinema was small, the movie started. This movie wasn't excellent it was just good, but it was funny and we had a pretty time.

Are you bored one afternoon or weekend? Don’t be silly go to Portoalegre cinema, to have a good time with your friends and family? And also buy some manillas!

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