jueves, 21 de octubre de 2010

Julio Mario Santodomingo Library

Have you ever heard about Julio Mario Santodomingo library? So you know is the biggest one in Colombia? Are you interested in getting to know more about this library? And all the cool places it has? Well, last month I visited this library and found out it was beautiful. It is near my school, actually there are just a few steps from each one. I visited on Thursday, with my family. The thing I loved the most was the flowers and all the flora outside the library. 

I was excited, because this is the newest library in Bogota. Besides that I always pass near it, and never get to know it. When I entered to the library, I found out that it is huge! It has so much space. I visited the exposition room, which had some amazing paintings, and the room for children. For me, the children's room is the funniest, it has so much interesting books, and the chairs are comfortable, are the most comfortable of all the library. Then I visited the theatre, it was maybe the half of the library, it is the biggest room, of all the library. Everyday there a program with many shows. After visiting all the rooms, I went out and took many pictures of the flowers.

I love this experience and I hope I will be able to go again, and enter to the theatre. It is amazing that Bogota has this library, and especially near my school, and I glad I live here. I extremely recommend you to visit this library, and take pictures, because it is beautiful. With this project I have realized that I didn't know Bogota as well as I thought, there were many things missing. Now I do not regret all my tourist experience, because I love Bogota!

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