viernes, 22 de octubre de 2010

Museo Nacional Here you can watch an awesome video from the museum
Do you like to learn in an interactive way?... well I do, that’s why I decided to visit the Museo Nacional when I was assigned for doing the theme of museums.
It was a Friday in which my father had already planned to go to a jazz concert at Jorge Eliece Gaitan theatre, so the Museo Nacional was very close. We went early, but we where like running in such a way that we would not miss the jazz concert. I entered to the museum and since the first moment I took pictures, but a security guard told me not to use flash and it was very funny because for some pictures I forgot to turn off the flash, so there was again the security guard saying to me not to use it please. I wanted to make some videos for the blog so I took my camera and started recording them, but my father did not stop telling me how did I have to take the camera, I was a little bit stressed out because of that. I  planned to take all the videos and edit them on movie maker.
I was very tired of walking and walking around the museum so we finally finished with that, I totally recommend you to visit this great museum , I liked a lot… Unfortunately I could not publish my videos on the blog because I did not know how.

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