miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

Good Mall experience

There were a lot of children with their parents looking for games at the third floor.
My mom tried to find some gifts for some relatives, so I was with her looking around different boutiques and shops.

During my journey with my mom, my dad and little brother went to buy some ice cream at Crepes and Waffles. We meet each other at that restaurant (my mother’s favorite one) and we ordered dinner, Also, I have

My dad ask for Lomito’s crepes, my brother asked for jam and cheese crepe, my mom wanted a Thai’s salad and I asked the same as my dad. We also ate dessert, an as always I asked nutella. That was the best moment of my experience at the mall, and the only reason to come back to this noisy place, but even I have to admit, that It's an interesting experience, that should be lived and I personaly recommend it.

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